Key Accommodations of the 1000 Available

All mentioned hotels are suggestions for your consideration.

These are not recommendations. These are many of the hotels near the medical facility.

Seoul OfficeTel for US$15

Some are hotels used by our international medical tourists but they may not be near the clinic.

The preferences of patients vary greatly. Do your own research and due diligence.

Do NOT stay in guesthouse or hostel DORM. You will need your sleep.

Lodging on the north side of the Han River and far from the medical facility (on the south side of the river) may be an option to consider if you do not mind taking a subway, bus or taxi.

Expect popular, award-winning places like Come Inn Guesthouse to be fully booked many months in advance. And you may pay more per day in taxi fees than the cost of a night's stay closer to the clinic. For example, Come Inn Guesthouse + plus taxi fare to the clinic costs more than IMI Hotel.

If you are on an extremely tight budget, you can get an “OfficeTel Mini Room” for US$15 with greater privacy than a room in a hostel.

It may be smaller but cleaner than a “Business Hotel/Motel” or “Love Motel” which is likely to cost at least US$45 per night. And it is much cheaper than the Holiday Inn which will cost about US$145 per night.

CHECK the LOCATION before you book your accommodations!!!

The city covers 605.2 km2.

A place near Bukhansan National park in northern Seoul 12 km from Dr Kim will take about 32 minutes by taxi.
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